ΔΠΠ622: Terrestrial Ecosystem Management

  • Κωδικός / Course Code: ΔΠΠ622
  • ECTS: 10
  • Τρόποι Αξιολόγησης / Assessment:


  • Διάρκεια Φοίτησης/ Length of Study: Εξαμηνιαία (εαρινό)/ Semi-annual (spring)
  • Κόστος/ Tuition Fees: €325
  • Επίπεδο Σπουδών/ Level: Μεταπτυχιακό/ Postgraduate

Module Purpose and Objectives 

Terrestrial Ecosystem Management requires a thorough knowledge of ecosystem components’ interactions and their relationship with humans. Integrated ecosystem management focuses on ecosystem conservation with the aim to account for both ecological and human needs. An integrated framework which recognises the multiple uses, functions and services which ecosystem deliver. The module provides students a knowledge base and practical experience on biodiversity and terrestrial ecosystem management aspects.  The objectives of the course are to:

  • Provide students with knowledge of the basic function and services of terrestrial ecosystems in different spatial and temporal scales
  • Present the common assessment frameworks of ecosystem services evaluation
  • Demonstrate the use of specific techniques in terrestrial ecosystem management for using real world examples
  • Propose measures for the adaptation and mitigation of climate change impacts on terrestrial ecosystems

 By successfully completing this module the student should be able to : 

  • Link the theory with the application of terrestrial ecosystem management
  • Produce management plans for species and habitats
  • Evaluate the multiple services of Protected Areas and the appropriate management
  • Use specialised software for land use change analysis and modelling, and ecosystem service assessment (CLUE, Landuse Scanner, PEWI)


Module Content

1. Principles of Ecosystem Management: Ecosystem Management Concepts, Ecosystem Approach, Ecological Integrity, Adaptive Management

2. Ecosystems and Ecosystem Services: Ecosystem Approach, Ecosystem Functions, Production Services, Regulatory, Cultural and Support Services, Goods, Indicators

3. Mediterranean Ecosystem Matorral, Maquis, Garrigue, Fynbos, Mallee, Chaparral, Phrygana, endemism, fire, grazing, adaptation, sclerophylly

4. Mountain Ecosystems: orogenesis, tectonics, volcanic phenomena, hydrology, soils, trees, forests, ecotones,

5. Climate Change & Ecosystems: Eastern Mediterranean Warming, Eastern Mediterranean Drying, Extreme Phenomena, Climate Models, Phenological Changes, Species Distribution, Mortality
6. Wildlife management: habitat, wildlife, hunting, r - strategy, k - strategy, habitat enhancement  and improvement, game reserves, endangered species protection
7. Habitat Management: vegetation properties, ecological succession, disturbance, management plans
8. Management of Protected Areas: Biosphere Reserves, National Parks, Natural Reserves, Nature Monument, Protected Landscape, management evaluation framework and process, management conflicts in protected areas
9. Restoration Ecology: restoration, enhancement, recovery, rehabilitation, ecological processes, restoration success, values ​​/ tresholds, invasive species
10. Infrastructure and Ecosystems: impact of infrastructures on species and habitats, wildlife mortality, surveillance, compensatory measures, spatial planning
11. Land Use Dynamics: Natural Environment, Physical Processes, Human Activities, Spatial Changes - Spatial Differences, Interaction of Environmental Factors and Land Use
12. Land Degradation & Desertification: Causes of Desertification, Biophysical / Socioeconomic Factors, Slow 'and' Rapid 'Variables, Dahlem Desertification Model, Desertification and Critical Thresholds, Desertification Syndromes
13. Landscape Character Assessment: Landscape Character Assessment (LCA), European Landscape Convention, Physiography, Cultural Dimension, Landscape Typology, Landscape Sensitivity

Hands on laboratory exercises will take place with the use of freeware such as QGIS (land use change), ILWIS (burnt areas mapping) CLUE landscanner (land use modelling) People in Ecosystems/Watershed Integration (PEWI) (modelling ecosystem services). In addition, with the help of Virtual Labs students will be able to take part in sampling and mapping activities in a simulated landscape.