ΛΧΡ613: Cost Accounting

  • Κωδικός / Course Code: ΛΧΡ613
  • ECTS: 10
  • Τρόποι Αξιολόγησης / Assessment: 2 assignments (30%), interactive activities (10%), final exam (60%)
  • Διάρκεια Φοίτησης/ Length of Study: Εξαμηνιαία (χειμερινό) / Semi-annual (fall)
  • Κόστος/ Tuition Fees: €600
  • Επίπεδο Σπουδών/ Level: Μεταπτυχιακό/ Postgraduate
  • Προαπαιτούμενα/ Prerequisites: ΛΧΡ512

The Thematic Unit in Cost Accounting (ΛΧΡ613) aims for students to understand the theory and application of cost issues, the principles of cost accounting, and their application in real business cases. The aim of the thematic unit is to present the technical aspects as well as the decisions that can be taken using managerial information in the modern business world.