NOM424: Consumer Protection Law

  • Κωδικός / Course Code: NOM424
  • ECTS: 10
  • Τρόποι Αξιολόγησης / Assessment: 2 Assignments (30%), Interactive activities (10%), Final exam (60%)
  • Διάρκεια Φοίτησης/ Length of Study: Εξαμηνιαία (εαρινό ή χειμερινό)/ Semi-annual (Fall or Spring)
  • Κόστος/ Tuition Fees: 600 euro
  • Επίπεδο Σπουδών/ Level: Προπτυχιακό/ Undergraduate
  • Προαπαιτούμενα/ Prerequisites: NOM221: Company Law
  • Αναλυτική πληροφόρηση: NOM424_ECTS_en.pdf

The purpose of the Module is. the acquaintance of the student first with basic concepts and principles of this Law, then with its historical development which explains its form and helps in its understanding and finally, with the Law itself and in particular, with the most basic of the legislation that composes or constitutes it. The study of this Thematic Unit will complete the student's knowledge in basic areas of law (such as contract law and tort law) inviting him to delve into them by looking beyond their basic principles. At the same time, it will introduce the student to the homonymous policy and action of the Union, which results in an active production of Law directly intertwined with the key, primary and diffuse Union policy of the internal market, which is its basic philosophy as well as its means of production. Therefore, the study of this topic will additionally offer the student a kind of specialization in Internal Market Law.