BalkanROAD among the winners of the 2021 edition of the annual REGIOSTARS awards

The research project BalkanROAD: “Towards Farms with Zero carbon-, waste- and water- footprint. Roadmap for Sustainable Management Strategies for Balkan Agriculturewas among the five finalists for REGIOSTARS 2021 Awards in the category “SMART EUROPE - Increasing the competitiveness of local businesses in a digital world”. Following the announcement of the results, BalkanROAD is proud to be one of the two winners of the Public Choice Awards among all projects. BalkanROAD was implemented by the following consortium: Benaki Phytopathological Institute (coordinator, Greece, project leader: Dr. Maria Doula), Open University of Cyprus (OUC team leader was Associate Professor Antonis Zorpas), Institute for Mediterranean Studies (Greece), American Farm School Post-Secondary Educational and Training Association (Greece), Association of Agri-Environmental Farmers (Bulgaria), Agricultural University of Tirana (Albania) and Macedonian Organic Producers Federation (Republic of North Macedonia).

The BalkanROAD project funded under the Interreg Balkan-Mediterranean Programme developed tools for agribusinesses to reduce their carbon, water and waste footprints, so they can to become more eco-friendly and attract new clients by demonstrating their lower environmental impact.