2nd Natonal Survey CyGraduates Improving the link between Higher Education and the Labour Market

The Open University of Cyprus and the OUC Alumni Office support the 2nd National Graduate Tracking Survey (CyGraduates) which is implemented by the Department of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth in the context of the project entitled "Development of a National Graduate Tracking Mechanism and Design and Implementation of an Employers’ Skills Survey” which is included in the Recovery and Resilience Plan of the Republic of Cyprus.

CyGraduates aims to provide data on a longitudinal basis regarding the entry of Higher Education graduates of Cyprus into the labor market, their study experiences, the skills acquired during their studies as well as on the relevance of Higher Education Programs of Study with the labor market. Based on the results of the survey, Higher Education Institutions will be able to revise the content and teaching methodology of existing Programs of Study as well as to offer new Programs of Study, so that graduates have the knowledge and skills required by the labor market. The preliminary results of the first cycle of the survey have already been published on the project’s website. htps://skilltracking.highereducation.ac.cy/reports/

Who participates in the second cycle of CyGraduates?
• Graduates from all HEIs in Cyprus.
Graduates who graduated during the academic years 2017-2018 or 2021-2022.
• Graduates from Programs of Study that led to the acquisition of one of the following Degrees: Certificate, Diploma, Higher Diploma, Bachelor's or Master's Degree.
• Graduates of all types of study (e.g., full-time, part-time, distance).
• Graduates of all nationalities.
• Graduates who either reside inside or outside Cyprus.

Data Collection - Access to the questionnaire
In the period between January-March 2024, data will be collected through an online questionnaire. Access to the questionnaire is done through the project's website


or by using the personalised link sent by email or sms to all graduates of the above academic years from the Higher Education Institution from which they graduated. Completing the questionnaire takes approximately 10-12 minutes. Upon completion of the questionnaire, graduates will receive a small gift and will also have the opportunity to participate in a draw to win bigger prizes (air ticket, hotel accommodation and gift vouchers).


Survey’s Significance
The contribution of Higher Education graduates to the CyGraduates survey is considered very important for the improvement of the education provided, the beter matching of the skills acquired from Higher Education with the needs of the labor market and the improvement of employment prospects for Higher Education graduates of Cyprus.


Contact the OUC Alumni Office: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | +357 22411713

