World Bioethics Day - International Hybrid Congress “Social Responsibility and Health”

The International Chair in Bioethics (ICB) is an international organization founded in 2001. The mission of the ICB is to serve humanity by endeavouring to achieve the highest international standards in Bioethics, Medical Ethics and Health Law Education. Under these terms the World Bioethics Day was established in 2015 and the date chosen is 19 October. For the first 20 years, the organization operated under the auspices of UNESCO (Haifa) and is now officially a Cooperative Center of the World Medical Association (WMA). The WMA has a long-standing history of collaboration with the ICB that has significantly intensified on the international level, particularly with collaboration at the International Conference on Bioethics and, more recently, on the ICB Department of Education online activities.

The theme for this year’s celebration isSocial Responsibility and Health’. The theme is inspired by the Article 14 of the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights (UDBHR) and by the fact that the importance of responsible behaviors of individuals towards their societies during the Covid-19 pandemic was significantly realized. The sense of responsibility of individuals towards their societies played a significant role in the prevention of spread and acceptance of vaccination in the Covid-19 pandemic. It was observed worldwide that the responsible behaviors of individuals helped in the containment of the disease and vice-versa.

The celebration is co-organized in hybrid mode on the 19th of October 2022 by the Greek Unit, International Chair in Bioethics (WMA Cooperation Center) and the NKUA Applied Philosophy Research Lab, the Hellenic National Bioethics Commission, the Open University of Cyprus, the Volos Academy for Theological Studies, the European Laboratory for Bioethics, Technoethics and Law and the Research Center of Biopolitics. Live streaming of the event will also be available on the official YouTube channels of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens and the BCI Media Broadcast Canadian & International TV Network.

The Congress will be attended by influential scientists from various disciplines, from Greece, Cyprus and abroad, who will analyze from their particular perspective current themed bioethical issues particularly connected to the impact of the  recent  pandemic. Among the keynote speakers are Prof. ROBERTO ANDORN (Institute of Biomedical Ethics and History of Medicine, University of Zurich), Prof. VOJIN RAKIC (International Chair in Bioethics (WMA Cooperating Centre), Bioethics Day Department, Steering Committee), Dr. JULIA TAINIJOKI-SEYER (Advocacy and Medical Advisor WMA, Representative to the UN organisations), and Dr. CHELOUCHE TESSA (Co-Head of Bioethics and the Holocaust Dpt. International Chair in Bioethics, WMA Cooperating Centre).

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Media sponsor: BCI Media Broadcast Canadian & International TV Network

Sponsors: Alpro, Bioiatriki