Informed Consent at the heart of the international online conference for this year's World Bioethics Day (19.10.2021)

This year's international online conference to celebrate the World Bioethics Day will focus on the crucial and timely issue of “informed consent", namely the meaning and importance of patient authorization in modern medical theory and practice. The conference is organized on October 19, 2021 by the Greek Unit International Chair in Bioethics (ICB), the NKUA Applied Philosophy Research Laboratory, the National Commission for Bioethics and Technoethics and the Open University of Cyprus (Postgraduate programme in “Bioethics - Medical Ethics”). Conference collaborators are the Research Center of Biopolitics and the European Center for Research & Education in Bioethics & Law of the Panteion University.

What is "informed consent"? How has it historically transformed in a social context beyond law to a moral duty of medical science, one straightforwardly linked to the principle of respect for autonomy? What problems are encountered in understanding and evaluating information about risks and probabilities? The current analysis of the term will be discussed in the Conference with reference to the case of the pandemic of covid-19 and its effects, which brought the issue of ‘informed consent’ to the forefront and at the core of medical science. In addition, there will be a special section at the conference entitled "The contribution of Ismini Kriari in Bioethics", in honor of Professor Emeritus and former Rector of Panteion University, Dr. Ismini Kriari.

Influential scientists from various disciplines, from Greece, Cyprus and abroad will address the conference, such as Dr. Roberto Andorno, Institute of Biomedical Ethics and History of Medicine at Zurich University, and Dr. Ravi Wankhedkar, Treasurer of the World Medical Association (WMA), who will analyse from their particular point of view these bioethical issues.


The International Chair in Bioethics (ICB) is a global organization and is now officially a Cooperating Center of the World Medical Association (WMA). The WMA for its part it has a long history of cooperation with the ICB, which has evolved significantly at an international level, particularly through the collaboration at the International Bioethics Conference and, more recently, in the Online Activities Training  Department of ICB.

This is the sixth consecutive year that the World Bioethics Day is celebrated in the Greek-speaking areas with this online conference. The conference will take place on Tuesday, October 19, 2021, from 18.00-20.00 EEST/GMT+3. Live streaming is through the OUC eLearning Platform at the following weblink:

It is noted that a Certificate of Attendance of the International Online Conference will be given to the participants who register here.